韩国科学技术院Bong Jae Lee教授讲学通知



韩国科学技术院(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyBong Jae Lee教授讲学通知

应全讯白菜策略张昊春邀请,韩国科学技术院(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyKAISTBong Jae Lee教授将于119日来公司开展学术交流,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学积极参加!

报告题目:纳米尺度热辐射:理论与应用(Nanoscale Thermal Radiation: Theory and Application

l 时间:11910:00-11:00

l 地点:动力楼619

l 讲座内容:


Nanoscale Thermal Radiation: Theory and Application

The advancement of nanotechnology has enabled precise manufacturing of structures with feature sizes smaller than the characteristic wavelength of thermal radiation. Tailoring thermal radiative properties using micro-/nano-structured surfaces has drawn much attention due to potential applications in energy conversion devices, space thermal management, and infrared radiation detection. It has been demonstrated that thermal radiative properties can be spectrally and/or directionally controlled by exploiting electromagnetic resonance phenomena, such as surface plasmon and magnetic resonance, on structured surfaces. This presentation will address the fundamentals of electromagnetic resonance phenomena on sub-wavelength nanostructures and will provide some insights on the application of designed nanostructures in energy harvesting (e.g., photovoltaic and solar thermal devices). The second part of this presentation will outline our research activities in measuring the near-field enhancement of thermal radiation between two parallel plates separated by nanometer-sale vacuum gaps.


l  Bong Jae Lee教授简介:

Bong Jae Lee博士现为韩国科学技术院机械工程系副教授。加入韩科院之前,曾在美国匹兹堡大学( University of Pittsburgh ) 机械工程和材料科学系担任三年助理教授。Bong Jae Lee教授于2001年获得首尔国立大学(Seoul National University机械工程学士学位,之后分别于2005年和2007年获得佐治亚理工学院 (Georgia Institute of Technology)的硕士和博士学位。Lee教授是佐治亚理工学院2008年度Sigma Xi最佳博士论文奖章和2007ASME -惠普最佳论文奖(二作)得主,并在2014年获得了KSME颁发的热能工程青年工程师(热能工程领域)奖章。