韩国科学技术研究院机械工程学院副教授Bong Jae Lee讲座通知


    应全讯白菜策略赵军明教授邀请,韩国科学技术研究院(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyKAIST)机械工程学院(Department of Mechanical Engineering)副教授Bong Jae Lee来全讯白菜策略访问讲学,欢迎感兴趣的师生踊跃参加,学术讲座题目、时间和地点安排如下:

    报告题目:Measurementof Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Two Surfaces




  Near-field thermal radiation occurs when two objects are located closer than the characteristic wavelength of thermal radiation determined by Wien’s displacement law. At such small vacuum gap distances, the radiative heat transfer can exceed that between two blackbodies (i.e., Stefan-Boltzmann law) by several orders of magnitude. Despite abundant theoretical works, experimental demonstration of the near-field thermal radiation between flat surfaces is rather limited. One of the main challenges is maintaining a nanogap between planar surfaces with a large area. To overcome this issue, focus has now shifted to controlling the near-field thermal radiation via the introduction of nanomaterials instead of further reducing the vacuum gap distances. This presentation will address recent progress on control of the near-field thermal radiation at experimentally achievable vacuum gap distances by modifying the coupling nature of surface plasmons in nanomaterials.


    Bong Jae Lee是韩国科学技术研究院机械工程系(Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST)的副教授。在加入KAIST之前,他曾在匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)机械工程及材料科学系(Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials)担任助理教授3年。他于2001年在首尔国立大学(Seoul National University)获得机械工程学士学位,于20052007年在佐治亚理工大学(Georgia Institute of Technology)先后获得硕士和博士学位。Lee于2007年获ASME-惠普最佳论文奖(第二名),于2008年获佐治亚理工大学第十一届最佳博士论文,他还于2014年获得KSME热能工程部青年研究员奖。